Jesus said in John 6:63 - It is the Spirit who gives life; the fleshprovides no benefit; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. He also said in John 10:3-5; 16, My sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not follow. SHEPHERD’S VOICE MINISITRIES is called to speak forth the living words of Jesus as given by the Holy Spirit through human vessels. No one in this ministry is perfect, infallible, or able to hear correctly 100% of the time because of the human factor. BUT GOD, uses imperfect vessels to reach other human imperfect vessels. Those who have an ear to hear from Jesus, God will speak to you through this ministry. The heart of God is to set hearts ablaze with life and life abundantly. This ministry is committed to declaring the heart of God and His will into the lives of those God has chosen to send us to stand before and speak to their destinies. Budd Rodgers has spent 40 plus years learning and re-learning how to hear the voice of God. He has been educated by God and learned by the way of the wilderness most of his life. He has learned that humility will get you where you need to be and stubbornness to the will of God will bring you down lower than you will ever want to be. AS you listen to this man speak, be prepared to hear from God. If you hear from Budd Rodgers or any other member of this team INSTEAD of hearing from God, then this ministry has failed its mission. Jesus said when we preach the word of God, that signs will follow. Shepherd’s Voice Ministries preaches that Jesus is able and willing to save from sin, heal from sickness, deliver from satan’s power and raise up what death has struck down.
Susie Rodgers is an anointed vessel of the Lord and a vital part of the Shepherd’s Voice team. She has been gifted with a keen discernment, especially in the area of spiritual phenomena. As a “feeler” in the Kingdom, the Lord uses her in healing and deliverance ministry to the spiritually oppressed and those bound by an abusive past. The gift of healings flows through her hands and as she speaks out words of knowledge the enemy knows he has been found out and deliverance takes place. On top of her spiritual gifting, she is a creative designer in computer graphics and is very instrumental in a great deal of ministry publications. Her best friend, outside of the Holy Spirit, is Budd Rodgers and together they flow in the power of God and have a genuine love of people and animals.
Timothy Mayfield was ordained by Shepherd’s Voice Ministries in 2020. Tim has an evangelistic calling and operates in that gift with the passion of a Pastor to the “lost sheep”. He is the epitome of God’s grace in declaring the message of Faith in Christ.